How to add meta tags dynamically in ASP.Net C#?

andy - 01 Aug, 2013 6446 Views 0 Comment

Sometimes when you integrate other module or software in your current site, you want to add the meta tags dynamically in order to get a good SEO result. In this tutorial, you will learn how you can add meta tags dynamically in ASP.Net C#. We will add two meta tags description and keywords into a page.

//make sure the following namespace is imported
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){
	//we get the header object
	HtmlHead objHeader = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;

	 //we add meta description
	HtmlMeta objMetaDescription = new HtmlMeta();
	objMetaDescription.Name = "DESCRIPTION";
	objMetaDescription.Content = "This will be the meta description content";

	//alternatively you can an ID attribute as well
	objMetaDescription.Attributes.Add("id", "MetaDescription");

	//This will add it to the header object

	//we add meta keywords
	HtmlMeta objMetaKeywords = new HtmlMeta();
	objMetaKeywords.Name = "KEYWORDS";
	objMetaKeywords.Content = "This will be the meta keywords content";

	//alternatively you can an ID attribute as well
	objMetaKeywords.Attributes.Add("id", "MetaKeywords");

	 //This will add it to the header object


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