List directories and subdirectories in ASP.Net C#.

andy - 09 Feb, 2014 3902 Views 0 Comment

You can use the following code function to display a list of directories including all subdirectories.

//Remember to import this namespace
using System.IO;

//This function will return a list of string and you have the option to recursive the subdirectories.
public List<string> ListDirectories(string path, bool recursive) {
    List<string> dirList = new List<string>();
    string[] dirInfo = null;
    string appPath = Server.MapPath(path);
    string tempDir = "";
    dirInfo = Directory.GetDirectories(appPath);

    if (dirInfo.Length > 0) {
        int index = 0;
        foreach (string dir in dirInfo) {
            if (dir.Length > appPath.Length) {
                try {
                    tempDir = dir.Substring(appPath.Length, dir.Length - appPath.Length);
                    dirList.Add(tempDir.Replace("\\", "/"));
                    if (recursive) {
                        ListSubDirectories(dir, path, dirList);
                } catch {
            index  = 1;

    return dirList;

public void ListSubDirectories(string fullPath, string relativePath, List<string> dirList) {
    string[] subdirInfo = null;
    subdirInfo = Directory.GetDirectories(fullPath);
    string folderDirectory = relativePath;
    string appPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(folderDirectory);
    string tempDir = "";
    if (subdirInfo.Length > 0) {
        foreach (string subdir in subdirInfo) {
            if (subdir.Length > appPath.Length) {
                tempDir = subdir.Substring(appPath.Length, subdir.Length - appPath.Length);
                dirList.Add(tempDir.Replace("\\", "/"));
                ListSubDirectories(subdir, relativePath, dirList);


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