Expo could not connect to development server

andy - 20 Oct, 2017 9432 Views 0 Comment

If you get the following error message: Could not load exp://ipaddress on your Expo App in Android and IOS phone when you try to scan the QR Code, you can try the following solution. This problem occurs especially if you connect to via WIFI or cable through your router. Unfortunately, when connecting to the local development computer, it picks up the first priority address specified in your local computer. To fix it, please follow the following steps. Note: the screenshot of the images are taken under Windows 7.

Open the Control Panel and type in "Adapter" keyword in the search bar. It will then display a list of available programs based on the keyword search. Under the Network and Sharing Center, there will be a link called View network connections.

Click this link and it will navigate to the Network Connections window. Press the Alt Key and under the Advanced menu, click the Advanced Settings.

Re-order the position of network connection and place it at the very top of the list. Usually, your internet connected network will be named "Local Area Connection" if you connected via cable or the network name will be the WIFI name if you connected via WIFI.

Then what you need to do is to close the Expo program and re-scan the QR code again.


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