Advanced Selectors

andy - 28 Jun, 2014 4108 Views 0 Comment

In this chapter you will learn how to use advanced selectors in CSS3. We will use the built-in pseudo-class.

  • :first-child

    This will select the first child element of its parent.

  • :last-child

    This will select the last child element of its parent.

  • :only-child

    This will select the only child element of its parent.

  • :first-of-type

    This will select the first sibling element of its type.

  • :last-of-child

    This will select the last sibling element of its type.

  • :only-of-type

    This will select the only element of its type.

Let see the following example.

<div class='example-pseudoclass'>
	<h1>First Heading</h1>
	<p>First Content goes in here.</p>
	<h1>Second Heading</h1>
	<p>Second Content goes in here.</p>
Based on above example, if we want to change the color of h1 "First Heading" to red, we can use the following css.

//Alternatively, we can use the :first-of-type as well, as it will apply to first element of h1.

See Another example of using :last-of-child, in this time we going to use ul li tags.

<ul class='menu'>
	<li>Menu 1</li>
	<li>Menu 2</li>
	<li>Menu 3</li>
	<li>Menu 4</li>

	//style the last li li:last-child a {

Element Based on Position in CSS3

In css3, you can have an option to select an element based on specific position. Those are the available pseudo-class you can use.

  • :nth-child()

    This will select the nth-child of an element from its parent using the given value.

  • :nth-last-child()

    This will select the nth-child of an element from its parent counting from the last one.

  • :nth-of-type()

    This will select the nth sibling of an element of its type.

  • :nth-last-of-type()

    This will select the nth sibling of an element of its type counting from the last one.

By combining above pseudo-class, there are couple ways to specify the position of an element.

  • Using a number to specify the position

    The following css will select the second paragraph. You just need to enter the number value into the parameter.

    <p>This is the first paragraph.</p>
    <p>This is the second paragraph.</p>
    <p>This is the third paragraph.</p>
  • Using a keyword

    You can use a keyword odd or even to apply the odd numbered row in the following paragraphs.

    <p>This is the first paragraph.</p>
    <p>This is the second paragraph.</p>
    <p>This is the third paragraph.</p>
    	//This will make the first and third paragraph text become bold.
  • Using a Recurring Sequence

    You can use a recurring pattern with the following formula numbern

    		//This will make the first and third paragraph text become bold.
    		p:nth-child(3n + 2){


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