Javascript Data Types

andy - 05 Jun, 2013 3827 Views 0 Comment

In this chapter, you will learn a list of data types available in Javascript.

String Data Type

String data type in Javascript represents a 16 bits characters. If you want to declare a text value, you can use string data types. See below code example on how to use it.

	//declare a string
	var myName = "Hello bytutorial";

	//alternatively, you can use a single quote for the string
	var myName = 'Hello bytutorial';

Number Data Type

Number data type in Javascript represents integers and floating point numbers. See below code example on how to use it.

	// integer number
	var myNumber  = 1000;

	// float numbers
	var myHeight = 175.24;

Boolean Data Type

Boolean data type in Javascript represents true or false value only. See below code example on how to use it.

	// using false value
	var useNumber = false;

	// using true value
	var isCorrect = true;

Null Data Type

Null data type in Javascript represents null value or empty object pointer. See below code example on how to use it.

	//this is how you set the null value
	var currentValue = null;

	//this is how you check it
	if(currentValue != null){
		//do something in here.

Object Data Type

Object data type in Javascript represents an object type creation. This type of object can be created by using a operator called new. You will learn more details about this data type in Object Oriented in Javascript in the upcoming chapter. See below code example on how to use it.

	var myObject = new Object();

How to detect a data type in Javascript?

As the data type in Javascript is flexible or loosy types, luckyly there is a built in operator you can use. The operator is named typeof. See below code example on how to use it.

	// integer value
	var myNumber = 100;
	// string value
	var myName = "Hello bytutorial";

	//to get the data type you can use this


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