How to populate JSON data using ReactJS framework?

andy - 17 Aug, 2016 10473 Views 3 Comment

In this tutorial you will learn how to populate JSON data using React JS framework. The first step is to import the required react js framework scripts. We source the scripts from the CDN directly.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

The JSXTransformer script is used if we want to return in HTML Tag format in React, so this is optional. I would recommend to use this as it will be easier to read.

Here is the simple example of code on how to populate JSON data into a table rows using React JS framework.

<div id="divContent"></div>
<script type="text/jsx">
	var SampleReact = React.createClass({
		render: function(){
			var data = 	[
					"name": "James Angus", 
					"age" : "22", 
					"job": "Dentist" 
					"name": "Milan Howen", 
					"age" : "36", 
					"job": "Truck Driver" 

			var rows ={
			 return <tr>
			return  <table>
	React.render(React.createElement(SampleReact), document.getElementById("divContent"));


When returning the final render value, it has to be wrapped in a minimum of one html tag. So, if you just return {rows}, it will never work and you will get an error. Either you can return it as the following code:


Just a note, the returning html tag need to be enclosed tag per line. Otherwise you will receive another error again.

Quick Demo

You can see the actual demo in the following link. Click here to see the actual demo.

Download Demo Files

Alternatively, if you prefer to work in your computer, you can download the complete source code in here. Download


11 Oct, 2017
Do you have a working example of this or a code dump I can paste it in as a test to work from?
14 Oct, 2017
Hi Robin, I have included an example of above code in the following URL. I have added the download file as well on this article, so you can run it on your computer.
25 Jan, 2018
Hi Andy, Thank your for the tutorial. I downloaded the zip, but it looks like there is only one index.html file in it?
25 Jan, 2018
Hi Tom, Yes, it is only a single file, as the react libraries are downloaded via the script src.
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