6 Tips for making your site exists in Google search engine

andy - 03 Jan, 2016 2683 Views 0 Comment

One of the challenge for new site is to exist in Google search engine. But how you can do that? Well it is actually quite easy, rather than hiring SEO consultant, you can start by doing the following 13 tips below.

  • 1. Sign up a google webmaster account.

    Google webmaster is completely free and it give you a deep sight of your site health performance. You can view external links to your site, keywords from search engine that directed to your site or even your site health performance for bad links etc. Click here to visit Google Webmaster Tool.

  • 2. Sign up for Google analytics

    Another free tools from Google is Google analytics. This tool gives a statistic of your visitors. It contains full information such as browser information such as from mobile or desktop, demographic information or geo location. Click here to visit Google Analytics site.

  • 3. Examine your competitor keywords.

    Once you have setup the first two steps, it is time to examine your competitor website keywords. See what keywords you want to compete with them. You can use freely Google Adword keyword planner tool to see how many searches of the keyword performed in a monthly search basis. The more number of searches being performed on the keyword, the more harder you will be able to compete with the keyword. It is recommended that you look for keywords that are searched under 200 searches a month to start. Note: You can try google adwords paid version, if you want have a budget to spend. Click here to visit Google Adword Keyword Planner site.

  • 4. Start creating external links to your site.

    The more external links to your site, the higher rank you will get. You can start build your external links to some web directories and make sure you pick up the right categories to your site type. Then you can examine your competitor site external links by using this free tool Try place the same external links to the same site your competitor had and remember to use your keywords when you link back to your site.

  • 5. Creating fresh content and useful information for your visitors.

    You should ask yourself how to attract visitors to your site. If you see news website, most readers will return back to the site because the site offers the latest up to date news. Well in your case you should do the same as well. If you offer tutorial website you should give up to date and useful information to your visitors.

  • 6. Setup newsletter list.

    One of the best marketing available and free is by doing a newsletter. This type of marketing can easily attract back your visitors to your site again, so they can be easily informed if there is new information on the site or free stuff they can get.


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