Javascript Operators

andy - 06 Jun, 2013 3998 Views 0 Comment

In this chapter, you will learn a list of operators available in Javascript. Operators in Javascript can be described as an operation to manipulate data values. Those manipulation can be numbers, strings, booleans or even object values. See below available operators.

Conditional Operators

In Javascript conditional operators are used to compare both values, if one of the value is equal or not identically equal. See below code example for more details.

	// we declare example variables
	var myFirstFavouriteNumber = 1;
	var mySecondFavouriteNumber = 8;
	var myLuckyNumber = 8;

	//we check the both values using == operator to see if the values are equals
	if(myLuckyNumber == mySecondFavouriteNumber){
		alert("They are the same");

	//we check the both values using != operator to see if the values are not equals
	if(myFirstFavouriteNumber != mySecondFavouriteNumber){
		alert("They are the not same");

Boolean Operators

Boolean Operators represents true or false logical value. The operator symbols used are: ! and && and ||. In other word those symbols represent those words in order: NOT, OR, AND. Note the operators == and != can be considered as Equality Operators as well.

	//the symbol ! represent not equal or false
	var isNumber = false;
	// using ! means, we want to check if the isNumber data type is not equal to true
		alert("This is not number");

	//lets see another example on how to use the operators && and ||
	var myFirstFavouriteNumber = 1;
	var mySecondFavouriteNumber = 8;

	//The operator || represent OR value
	if(myFirstFavouriteNumber == 1 || mySecondFavouriteNumber == 8){
		alert("One of my favourite number is selected");

	//The operator && represent AND value
	if(myFirstFavouriteNumber == 1 && mySecondFavouriteNumber == 8){
		alert("Both of my favourite numbers are selected");

Increment / Decrement Operators

In Javascript those operators are used for increasing or descreasing numberic values. See below example for more details.

	// integer number
	var myNumber  = 1000;

	//To increase the value you can use this method. Note both methods will result the value of 1001;
	myNumber = myNumber + 1;

	//To decrease the value you can use this method. Note both methods will result the value of 999;
	myNumber = myNumber - 1;

There is another short cut conditional operator you can use, if you do not prefer to use if conditional. You will learn more details about If conditional statements in the upcoming Statements chapter. See below code example for more details.

	// declare the variables
	var myNumber1 = 100;
	var myNumber2 = 200;

	// this will tell us that if the variable myNumber1 is bigger than myNumber2, it will return the left value which is myNumber1 otherwise myNumber2 will be returned. In this case myNumber2 will be return.
	var higherNumber = myNumber1 > myNumber ? myNumber1 : myNumber2;

Math Operators

In Javascript those operators are used for mathematical calculations. See below example for more details.

	// adding and minusing in math operations
	var myNumber1  = 1000 + 200;    // return value = 1200
	var myNumber2  = 1000 - 200;    // return value = 800

	// multiplying and dividing in math operations
	var totalNumber = 100 * 20;     // return value 2000
	var revenue = 100 / 20;         // return value 5

	// modulus in math operations
	var finalNumber = 52 % 25		// equal to 2


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