How to create a custom text box and button components in Vue.js?

andy - 07 Feb, 2018 12443 Views 1 Comment

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create your custom inputs components using Vue.js. You will also learn how the v-model works in Vue.js components and how to pass a button click event in custom button components.

What are components in Vue.js?

Components in Vue.js can be considered as extendible HTML templates which their templates can be reused. So when exactly you consider to use components? Well, You will use components when there are repeated same sections or areas in your application. So rather than have pretty much-repeated HTML codes again, why not just have a global component that can keep reuse and if you want to modify it, you just need to modify it in one place and the changes will apply to all places that use those components. Components support custom properties which enable you to alter or update the templates as needed.

In this example, we will create two basic components that will represent a text box and a button. User will be able to enter their name in the input text box and if the user click the button. It will alert a message box with their name. Before we start, let's define each input properties. For the text box component, it will have the following properties.

  • labelName
    When create an instance of this component, it will include a label name for this text box so an id of a text box is not required.
  • fieldID
    This property will include an input id attribute. This is optional, as we are going to use Vue.js binding model anyway.
  • cssClass
    This property will include a css class name. This is optional, by default we are going to use css class name input-field.
  • placeHolder
    This property will include a placeholder attribute. The place holder is an optional.
  • value
    This property will be used for model binding.

For the button component, it will have the following properties.

  • buttonName
    This will be the button name text.
  • fieldID
    This property will include a button id attribute. This is optional, as we are going to use Vue.js binding model anyway so an id of a button is not required.
  • cssClass
    This property will include a css class name. This is optional, by default we are going to use css class name input-button.
  • functionName
    If you want to add a click button event, you can include the function name in here.

The first thing we need is to include the Vue.js library. In this example, I am using the development library path.

<script src=""></script>

If you want to use the publish or released version, you can use the following Vue.js library url.

<script src=""></script>

This is the basic code to create your first component in Vue.js.

Vue.component('component-name', {
  // options

It is recommended for your component name to use all lowercase and hypen if it contains more than one word.

Here is the javascript code for our Vue.js iinput text box component.

Vue.component('input-text', {
    props: {
        labelName: {
            type: String,
            required: true
        fieldId: {
            type: String,
            required: false
        cssClass: {
            type: String,
            default: 'input-field'
		placeHolder: {
			type: String,
			default: ''
		value: {
			type: String,
			default: ''
    template:   `<div>
                    <label class='label-input' v-bind:for="fieldId">{{labelName}}</label>
                    <input v-bind:id="fieldId" v-bind:class="cssClass" v-bind:placeholder="placeHolder" v-bind:value="value" v-on:input="updateValue($"/>
	methods: {
		updateValue: function(value){
			this.$emit('input', value)

In order for the v-model binding works in custom components in Vue.js, you have to include a function that will emit the input value. This can be done by attaching an input event which can be seen on the code.


If you like to use the Vue.js shortcut, you can replace the word v-bind: to : and v-on: to @. I just include the whole words so you can know what they are. If we change the template to use the shortcut, it will end up like below.

	<label class='label-input' :for="fieldId">{{labelName}}</label>
	<input v-bind:id="fieldId" :class="cssClass" :placeholder="placeHolder" :value="value" @input="updateValue($"/>

This will be the javascript code for custom button Components in Vue.js.

Vue.component('input-button', {
    props: {
        buttonName: {
            type: String,
            required: true
        fieldId: {
            type: String,
            required: false
        cssClass: {
            type: String,
            default: 'input-button'
			type: String,
			required: false
    template: `<button  type='button' 
	methods: {
		callBackFunction: function(){
			if(this.$parent && this.$parent[this.functionName]){

If you see on above code, you will notice that I declare a property name functionName which will be used to store the function name. Inside this method, it will basically perform a check if an instance of Vue app has been created and the function name specified in the button Components exists in the app then perform a call or execution of this function.

to use the components we just need to include the components tag name like below.

<div id="sample-form">
	<input-text label-name='Enter your name: ' field-id='txtYourName' v-model='name' place-holder='Your name'></input-text>
	<input-button field-id='btnLogin' button-name="Login" function-name="alertName"></input-button>

One thing you have to remember is if you define a property name contains two words, which one of the word has a capital letter, it need to be separated with hypen. For example: labelName will become label-name. The second thing is when you are going to use a v-model on your text input, remember to declare a default property name in your Vue.js app. For example: our text box to input user name will have a v-model named name. See how we declare the variable name in the data section.

To run our Vue.js app, we just need to include the following javascript code.

new Vue({
	el: '#sample-form',
	data: {
		name: ''
	methods: {
		alertName: function(){
			alert("How are you " + + "?");

To tidy up our components, I have included the following css style.



Demo on how to create custom components in Vue.js

You can see the demo in here.

Feel free to post your comment below, if you have any question.


Shilpa Singh
29 Sep, 2018
Can I get Custom drop down, radio button, checkbox, autocomplete
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