SASS Math Calculation

andy - 07 Apr, 2016 10533 Views 1 Comment

Sass does support math calculation on the fly for your document css. The calculation technique is useful especially you want to automatically set a specific width based on percentage calculation. The supported formula includes adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.

Let's consider we have a full layout of 1000px and we want to divide them into 3 columns which will be the left content, middle content and right content. The left hand side will have 20% width, while the right hand side will have 30% proportion of the width, and the remaining middle content will have 50% width.

See the following example code.

$templateWidth: 1000px;
$leftContent: $templateWidth * 0.25;
$rightContent: $templateWidth * 0.30;
$midContent: $templateWidth - ($left-content + $right-content); 

	width: $templateWidth;

	width: $leftContent;

	width: $rightContent;

	width: $midContent;

When you perform a sass compilation, the following css output will be produced.

	width: 1000px;

	width: 200px;

	width: 300px;

	width: 500px;


21 Nov, 2017
#wrapper{width: 1000px;} 1000*.25=250 1000*.3=300 Total=550 -1000==450 #left-content{width: 250px;} #right-content{ width: 300px;} #mid-content{width: 450px;}
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